Inadequate and Multiple Frame Data and Conditional Inference

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Indian Statistical Institute Series


In implementing a large-scale sample survey while drawing a feasible sample one needs a ‘frame’ which means a complete list of all the sampling units out of which to make a selection or an upto date map of the plots of land in case of an agricultural survey covering farm lands. For some surveys, however, it may not be practically possible to construct an effective frame to a desirable extent. Then special precautionary measures are needed to be adopted to rectify such deficiencies owing to under-performing frame-composition. Sometimes a single frame may not be co-extensive with the population itself but two or more overlapping frames may together coincide with the population. Theoretical and practical questions emerging from such specialities are discussed with illustrations here. Conditional Inference is also a theme to be dealt with here. We cover Multiple Frame survey, as a generalization of Dual Frame survey essentially in deference to Prof HO Hartley, who introduced this topic as a highly eminent author of Sample Survey publications. Hopefully the students exposed to our present text may be motivated to go for further studies in this specific field of Dual Frame surveys which are of high practical importance.

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