Topological Routing of Polygonal Circuit Modules a Computational Geometry Approach.

Date of Submission

December 1997

Date of Award

Winter 12-12-1998

Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Master's Dissertation

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Subject Name

Computer Science


Advance Computing and Microelectronics Unit (ACMU-Kolkata)


Nandy, Subhas Chandra (ACMU-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

In this thesis we propose the topological routing of a floorplan where the circuit modules are of convex polygonal shape. We assume that a net will never appear more than once in a circuit module and the pins corresponding to nets are placed along the edges of the polygonal circuits. The objective is to route the nets such that a specific distance is maintained between the wires corresponding to two different nets. We first partition the free space into trapeziums and along the edges of these trapeziums a capacity constraint is assigned to satisfy the objective function. We use line sweep approach to design a multipass heuristic algorithm for routing the nets concurrently, i.e. considering all nets together. Since standard benchmarks are not available, floorplans containing polygonal modules are generated randomly and the algorithm is tested. The algorithm works very fast and for most of the examples of moderate size it outputs 100 % routing in a pair of Top to Bottom and Bottom to Top sweep. For some examples more than two passes are required. The limitation of assigning the considered capacity constraint to satisfy the objective function regarding the separation of routing wires is mentioned in the conclusion of the thesis.


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