Journal Articles | Scholarly Publications | Indian Statistical Institute

Scientific results reported by the researchers in reputed venues


Submissions from 2016


Two models of social learning in networks, with concepts drawn from economics and physics, Kalyan Chatterjee and Souvik Roy


Multi-head Watson–Crick automata, Kingshuk Chatterjee and Kumar Sankar Ray


An improved estimator of omission rate for census count: With particular reference to India, Kiranmoy Chatterjee and Diganta Mukherjee


An improved integrated likelihood population size estimation in Dual-record System, Kiranmoy Chatterjee and Diganta Mukherjee


On the estimation of homogeneous population size from a complex dual-record system, Kiranmoy Chatterjee and Diganta Mukherjee


A simple algorithm for calculating values for folded normal distribution, Moutushi Chatterjee and Ashis Kumar Chakraborty


Some process capability indices for unilateral specification limits—Their properties and the process capability control charts, Moutushi Chatterjee and Ashis Kumar Chakraborty


Construction of synergy networks from gene expression data related to disease, Prantik Chatterjee and Nikhil Ranjan Pal


A characterization of single-peaked preferences via random social choice functions, Shurojit Chatterji, Arunava Sen, and Huaxia Zeng


Inner multipliers and Rudin type invariant subspaces, Arup Chattopadhyay, B. Krishna Das, and Jaydeb Sarkar


Genome-wide mitochondrial DNA sequence variations and lower expression of OXPHOS genes predict mitochondrial dysfunction in oral cancer tissue, Esita Chattopadhyay, Navonil De Sarkar, Richa Singh, Anindita Ray, Roshni Roy, Ranjan Rashmi Paul, Mousumi Pal, Sandip Ghose, Subhrendu Ghosh, Debajyoti Kabiraj, Raja Banerjee, and Bidyut Roy


Expression deregulation of mir31 and CXCL12 in two types of oral precancers and cancer: Importance in progression of precancer and cancer, Esita Chattopadhyay, Richa Singh, Anindita Ray, Roshni Roy, Navonil De Sarkar, Ranjan Rashmi Paul, Mousumi Pal, Ritesh Aich, and Bidyut Roy


Equality of elementary linear and symplectic orbits with respect to an alternating form, Pratyusha Chattopadhyay and Ravi A. Rao


Generating randomized response by inverse Bernoullian trials in unrelated characteristics model, Arijit Chaudhuri and Purnima Shaw


Linear connectivity, Schwarz–Pick lemma and univalency criteria for planar harmonic mapping, Shao Lin Chen, Saminathan Ponnusamy, Antti Rasila, and Xian Tao Wang


Nonparametric estimation of a quantile density function by wavelet methods, Christophe Chesneau, Isha Dewan, and Hassan Doosti


Extremes of Some Gaussian Random Interfaces, Alberto Chiarini, Alessandra Cipriani, and Rajat Subhra Hazra


Extremes of the supercritical Gaussian Free Field, Alberto Chiarini, Alessandra Cipriani, and Rajat Subhra Hazra


Blood pressure and body composition of rural Oraons of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India, Tanaya Kundu Chowdhury and Subrata K. Roy


Chaos control of Hastings-Powell model by combining chaotic motions, Marius F. Danca and Joydev Chattopadhyay


Semistability of certain bundles on second symmetric power of a curve, Krishanu Dan and Sarbeswar Pal


Multi-script versus single-script scenarios in automatic off-line signature verification, Abhijit Das, Miguel A. Ferrer, Umapada Pal, Srikanta Pal, Moises Diaz, and Michael Blumenstein


A framework for liveness detection for direct attacks in the visible spectrum for multimodal ocular biometrics, Abhijit Das, Umapada Pal, Miguel Angel Ferrer, and Michael Blumenstein


Properties of some matrix classes based on principal pivot transform, A. K. Das


Forbidden substructure for interval digraphs/bigraphs, Ashok Kumar Das, Sandip Das, and Malay Sen