It is a precious collection of Ph.D. theses awarded by the Indian Statistical Institute in the subject areas of Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Economics, Cryptography, Statistical Quality Control, and Operations Research.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Essays on the Economics of Conflict, Ranajoy Guha Neogi Dr.
Essays on the Economics of Conflict., Ranajoy Guha Neogi Dr.
On Efficient Center-based Clustering : from Unsupervised Learning to Clustering under Weak Supervision, Avisek Gupta Dr.
Computing Well-Structured Subgraphs in Geometric Intersection Graphs, Satyabrata Jana Dr.
Computing Well-Structured Subgraphs in Geometric Intersection Graphs., Satyabrata Jana Dr.
Integrative Clustering of Multi-View Data, Aparajita Khan Dr.
Mathematical Formulations for Complex Resource Scheduling Problems, T. R. Lalita Dr.
Mathematical Formulations for Complex Resource Scheduling Problems., T. R. Lalita Dr.
Essays in Auctions and Robust Bilateral Trading, Komal Malik Dr.
Stability and (Obviously) Strategy-proofness in Matching Theory, Pinaki Mandal Dr.
On Some Estimation Problems through the Sub-linear Lens, Gopinath Mishra Dr.
Differential and subdifferential properties of symplectic eigenvalues, Hemant Kumar Mishra Dr.
On Some statistical problems in single-cell transcriptome data analysis, Pronoy Kanti Mondal Dr.
Morphological Network: Network With Morphological Neurons, Ranjan Mondal Dr.
Morphological Network: Network with Morphological Neurons., Ranjan Mondal Dr.
Aspects of Index Calculus Algorithms for Discrete Logarithm and Class Group Computations, Madhurima Mukhopadhyay Dr.
Levi-Civita connections in noncommutative geometry, Sugato Mukhopadhyay Dr.
On Class Imbalanced Learning:Design of Non-parametricClassifiers, Performance Indices, and Deep Oversampling Strategies., Sankha Mullick Dr.
On Class Imbalanced Learning:Design of Non-parametricClassifiers, Performance Indices, and Deep Oversampling Strategies, Sankha Subhra Mullick Dr.
Secure and Efficient Computation of the Diffie-Hellman Protocol using Montgomery Curves over Prime Order Fields, Kaushik Nath Dr.
Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms: Objective Reduction, Decomposition and Multi-Modality, Monalisa Pal Dr.
Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms: Objective Reduction, Decomposition and Multi-Modality., Monalisa Pal Dr.
Zero-Knowledge Proof, Deniability and Their Applications in Blockchain, E-Voting and Deniable Secret Handshake Protocols., Somnath Panja Dr.
Zero-Knowledge proof, Deniability and Their Applications inBlockchain, E-Voting and Deniable Secret Handshake Protocols, Somnath Panja Dr.
Essays in Multidimensional Mechanism Design, Kolagani Paramahamsa Dr.