"Seek and You Will Find: A New Optimized Framework for Efficient Detect" by Sudip Das, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee et al.

Seek and You Will Find: A New Optimized Framework for Efficient Detection of Pedestrian

Document Type

Conference Article

Publication Title

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series


Studies of object detection and localization, particularly pedestrian detection have received considerable attention in recent times due to its several prospective applications such as surveillance, driving assistance, autonomous cars, etc. Also, a significant trend of latest research studies in related problem areas is the use of sophisticated Deep Learning based approaches to improve the benchmark performance on various standard datasets. A trade-off between the speed (number of video frames processed per second) and detection accuracy has often been reported in the existing literature. In this article, we present a new but simple deep learning based strategy for pedestrian detection that improves this trade-off. Since training of similar models using publicly available sample datasets failed to improve the detection performance to some significant extent, particularly for the instances of pedestrians of smaller sizes, we have developed a new sample dataset consisting of more than 80K annotated pedestrian figures in videos recorded under varying traffic conditions. Performance of the proposed model on the test samples of the new dataset and two other existing datasets, namely Caltech Pedestrian Dataset (CPD) and CityPerson Dataset (CD) have been obtained. Our proposed system shows nearly 16% improvement over the existing state-of-the-art result.



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