"Change Management in New Age Libraries: A Case Study of Central Librar" by Kishor Chandra Satpathy and Krishnamati Singha

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

1st International Conference on Transforming Library 2017


Change is an inevitable part of any progressive society. Change management is the competitive advantage of an organization for sustaining in the competitive world. The organization has an internal environment but exists in the external environment. To function efficiently and effectively, the organization has to maintain equilibrium between external and internal environment. The external forces which constantly affecting for change in organization are-technology, increased global competition, economic, workforce, social trends, political, government policies, financial and increased customer needs and preference etc. and internal forces are – managerial and administrative forces, individual and group expectation, organization design and structure, system dynamics, technological changes and style of tasks etc. Change management is the strategy for the organization to maintain the equilibrium between external and internal environment by managing efficiently and effectively the 8Ms i.e. Man, Machine, Material, Money, Maintenance, Methods, Measurement, and Market. This paper discusses the change process, change strategy and role of change agent The library is the knowledge resource center of any educational organization which imparts service to the user community. With the introduction of ICT, Web 2.0 and various pattern of user’s demand and preference, library too faces both external and internal forces. To work efficiently and effectively and to provide quality service to the dynamic environment to the diverse nature of user community/ customers, Library has to adopt a strategy for change management to meet the technology trends of providing information. In this connection, Librarian acts as a Change Agent to manage change management in the library. Central Library, NIT Silchar has taken change strategy for the development of the library and the library team has taken a proactive role in this direction. This paper enumerates issues and challenges faced by Central Library, NIT Silchar for adopting change strategies as well as managing change with ICT environment.

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Published at MRB Publishers,Guwahati
