"Lectures Beyond Classrooms: Open Source Education Avenues for Students" by Kishor Chandra Satpathy and K M Baharul Islam

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Digital Library and Open Access Initiatives: Responses, Strategies and Emerging Trends


The advent of the affordable and accessible Internet in our society, especially in the urban areas, has changed the way our students can diversify their knowledge input today. Gone are the days when the students have to depend solely on ‘lectures’ delivered by their teachers in college. With wireless broadband, hotspots, cyber cafes, cloud computing, and the ‘free laptops’ around, it is essential for the students (and teachers) to posit the available online video lectures along with the classroom lecturers, prescribed syllabus and curricula in a holistic higher education approach. A cursory look at the various resources available on the Internet for self-education will virtually explode one at the doorstep of any major university across the globe and that too without ‘paying for it’ barring the minimal access costs. It is, therefore, necessary to discuss the various resources available and how can strategize these vast resources into a broader ‘learning paradigm’. This paper deals with the role of ‘self-education’ via online video lectures as a supplementary to the college classrooms. It starts with the idea that we don’t learn anything we don’t want to learn and it’s those people who take the time and initiative to pursue knowledge on their own are the only ones who earn a real education in this world. Through a detailed discussion on the various online courses available today from reputed institutions like MIT, Harvard, Oxford, Yale, UC Berkeley, etc, the papers present an inclusive approach to optimize the use of free video lectures to maximize knowledge and understanding of a subject. All around the world top-tier universities are offering videos of entire college courses for free. The paper concludes with some practical tips for enhancing the utility of free view lectures.

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Published at Shankar's Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
