Meaning and Purpose of Survey Sampling

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Indian Statistical Institute Series


‘Sample Survey’ also called ‘Survey Sampling’ is a part of the broader subject ‘Statistics’. A specialty in it to be made clear in the beginning itself is that here we deal with concrete, tangible objects like human beings, their households, assets and resources, pet animals and birds, other possessions and consumables, buildings, schools and offices, shops, groceries, stationeries, hospitals and clinics and the likes. In general statistics, however, we consider hypothetical outcomes of experiments and observations like results of a game actually played or not yet, lengths of the lifetime of an electric bulb burnt or not and the number of heads one may find on tossing a coin 1000 times in real or hypothetical senses. By a survey, we mean observing certain facts which have happened, for example, we may count how many residential buildings are there in our locality or how many morning walkers were seen yesterday in a specified local park. But a survey is a scientific activity. So, it must be carried out with a purpose to study how it achieves human welfare or harms people or animals. The findings of a survey activity must be disclosed to the society to be examined by interested persons to judge how these are useful to contemporary society and/or to the posterity or inappropriate to the contrary. In this introductory chapter, we intend to set forth certain concepts to be initiated here but developed more fully in the entire book itself.

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