Recent trends in 2D object detection and applications in video event recognition

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Advancement of Deep Learning and Its Applications in Object Detection and Recognition


Object detection serves as a significant step in improving performance of complex downstream computer vision tasks. It has been extensively studied for many years now and current state-of-the-art 2D object detection techniques proffer superlative results even in complex images. In this chapter, we discuss the geometry-based pioneering works in object detection, followed by the recent breakthroughs that employ deep learning. Some of these use a monolithic architecture that takes a RGB image as input and passes it to a feed-forward ConvNet or vision Transformer. These methods, thereby predict class-probability and bounding-box coordinates, all in a single unified pipeline. Two-stage architectures on the other hand, first generate region proposals and then feed it to a CNN to extract features and predict object category and bounding-box. We also elaborate upon the applications of object detection in video event recognition, to achieve better fine-grained video classification performance. Further, we highlight recent datasets for 2D object detection both in images and videos, and present a comparative performance summary of various state-of-the-art object detection techniques.

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