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This report of the Symposium was edited by the Hari Charan Behera, Tarun Kabiraj, Rabindranath Jana.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent natural disasters such as cyclones in West Bengal and Odisha, rural households dependent on agriculture and daily wages have encountered unprecedented challenges. These challenges have disproportionately affected vulnerable communities with limited livelihood access, exacerbating the socio-economic disparities prevalent in these regions. The symposium aims to delve into the multifaceted impact of these crises on rural households, shedding light on the adversities faced by farmers and informal workers while also exploring the newfound opportunities that have emerged in the face of adversity. The primary objective of this symposium is to comprehensively assess the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters on rural households, particularly those heavily reliant on agriculture and daily wage labour. By scrutinising the challenges posed to these communities, the symposium seeks to facilitate a nuanced understanding of the vulnerabilities inherent in their livelihoods. Additionally, the symposium aims to highlight instances where innovative approaches and adaptability have empowered certain sections of the rural population, such as the engagement of rural migrants in agriculture and agri-preneurship through Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) or Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) in regions like Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh.

Furthermore, the symposium will critically examine the response of both central and state governments to the crises, focusing on the special grants and packages provided to rural households, especially farmers. This includes an exploration of the role played by institutions like the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and other implementing agencies in disbursing incentives and support. The symposium aims to assess the efficacy of these interventions and their impact on rural livelihoods, considering aspects of social protection and risk aversion measures implemented by both the state and civil societies.

Ultimately, the symposium aims to generate insights to inform future planning and policy formulation. By understanding the challenges and opportunities that have arisen from these crises, the symposium aspires to contribute to a more resilient and sustainable future for rural households, with a particular emphasis on farmers and women groups.

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Indian Statistical Institute




Livelihood challenges, Tribal communities, Peasant communities, Agri-preneurship, Industrial workers, Informal workers, Occupational transformation, COVID-19, Agrarian transformation


Social and Behavioral Sciences


The National Symposium organized by the SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH UNIT, INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE, KOLKATA and GIRIDIH held at ROSE VILLA, ISI, GIRIDIH from 6 to 7 November 2023

A Report of National Symposium on Livelihood Challenges and Opportunities during and Post COVID-19 Pandemic
