Design of an Adaptable Supercomputer Based on Transputers.

Date of Submission

December 1992

Date of Award

Winter 12-12-1993

Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Master's Dissertation

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Subject Name

Computer Science


Electronics and Communication Sciences Unit (ECSU-Kolkata)


Basu, Anirban

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

Mission critical military applications execute real time applications such as detecting; tracking and destroy- ing targets, on-board signal and image processing have formidable throughput roqui rements which can be met only by parallel processing systems with enormous power. Marnry parallel processing architectures such as Vector-Frocessor, Arrey-Procussor, Pipelined Processor, Mul ticomputer, Mul tiprocessor, Data-flow-Proce ss or have been daveloped. However, these systema yield rerformence gain only when the algorithm being executed matchss the architecture of the under- lying machine, Hence, none of the above architectures are univerr sally suitable for all applications.When a complex elgorithm is examined olosuly, it is seen that the various tasks require different types of computations. For example, one task may be best computed by a Multicomputer system, the next task may be best computed by an Array-Processor and so on. It seems logical then to assign a seporate dedicated subsystem ( wi th an architocturo which matches the tasks processing requiroments) to each task. Since the whole algorithm is to be executed in the minimal tdme, this suggests having coresident in the suporcomputing system, all these different types of archi- tectures. Howover, tho major drawback of such a solution is that theru is an increase in system complexity and hardware resource underutilisationt A subsystum is eng aged in the computation of ona task oly and during the ex cution of the romaining tasks it is idlo. A better solution will, therefore, be to have a system capable of reconfiguration to form oy bsystems with different architectures such us Array Processor, Pipelinod-Processor, Mul ti computer etc. .. depending on the type of computation encount- erud in the elgorithm. A parallal procesning system wi th such raconfiguration capebilities is referrud to as an "ADAPTAELE SUFERCOMPUTER".An important 1ssue in the design of suçh a system is finding a commorcially available universal module from which an Adaptablo super computer can be built. Transputors [whosu salient features are given in Appendix-1) which have been recontly developed by INMOS, may be used for this purpose.This dissertation discusses the design of an Adaptablo supercomputer which can reconfigure into an Array-Precussor, a Pipolined-Processor or a depend ing on the application program. The design is based on Transputers. A recontiguration methodology is also dascribed, which will enable the system to switch from one architectural state to another depending on the requiromonts. The reconfigurati on is handled by the operating system and the compiler which after anal ysis of an application program finds the optimal hardware configuration- needed for executing it.In this dissertation, chapter 2 discussos the hardware organisation of the proposod Adaptable Supercomputer. Chapter 3 gives the procedures for the reconfiguration of various archi- tectures. Chapter 4 givos the Reconfiguration Methodology. The scope for further work is given in chapter 5, alongwith' the conclusions.


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