Unambiguous Quantum State Discrimination.

Date of Submission

December 2018

Date of Award

Winter 12-12-2019

Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Master's Dissertation

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Subject Name

Computer Science


Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit (PAMU-Kolkata)


Kar, Guruprasad (PAMU-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

One of the consequences of No-Cloning[1] theorem is that we cannot identify a given state drawn from a set of non-orthogonal states with certainity using a single copy. The Unambiguous Quantum State Discrimination(UQSD) deals with number of copies required so as to identify such a state drawn from a set of non-orthogonal states though not certainly but with some probability. The UQSD between linearly independent states has been solved by A.Chefles[5] and later he solved UQSD between linearly dependent states[6].We have taken a few examples and shown that for these examples the number of copies required for UQSD between linearly dependent states is far less than the one obtained by A.Chefles and have shown that if the set of states can be partitioned into sets of linearly independent states then from each partition a probable candidate for the state whose identity is under question can be obtained. It has been seen that this method works atleast as good as the one proposed by Anthony Chefles. Also, we deduced the condition on the size of partitions when our method would outperform the method given by A.Chefles


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