Intraday Stock Trend Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis.
Date of Submission
December 2018
Date of Award
Winter 12-12-2019
Institute Name (Publisher)
Indian Statistical Institute
Document Type
Master's Dissertation
Degree Name
Master of Technology
Subject Name
Computer Science
Sampling and Official Statistics Unit (SOSU-Kolkata)
Mukherjee, Diganta (SOSU-Kolkata; ISI)
Abstract (Summary of the Work)
Traditionally, most of the studies involved in the prediction of stock price movement, using machine learning techniques, have utilized the historical stock price data and the technical indicator extracted from the data. However, such strategies do not use information about live news events that affect the stock prices. In this thesis, we focus on the publicly available tweets on twitter as a source of real time news. We extract the sentiment information from the tweets and use them (along with the stock data) to predict the intra-day price movement in the Indian stock market.We design a sentiment analyzer that identifies the sentiment of each tweet and sorts the tweet into one of three clusters (Trade, Feedback, and Miscellaneous). We modify our sentiment features using a cluster importance factor, a score that quantifies the importance of each clusters in the context of market importance, and use these modified features for price movement prediction via machine learning models. At the end of this thesis, we show that our trained models consistently outperform the random walk baseline accuracy of 33% for three-way stock trend classification and that the cluster importance factor improves the prediction accuracy of the random forest model.
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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Tiwari, Bhaskar, "Intraday Stock Trend Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis." (2019). Master’s Dissertations. 263.
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