Simultaneous Feature Selection and Feature Extraction for Pattern Classification.
Date of Submission
December 2009
Date of Award
Winter 12-12-2010
Institute Name (Publisher)
Indian Statistical Institute
Document Type
Master's Dissertation
Degree Name
Master of Technology
Subject Name
Computer Science
Machine Intelligence Unit (MIU-Kolkata)
Murthy, C. A. (MIU-Kolkata; ISI)
Abstract (Summary of the Work)
Feature subset selection and extraction algorithms are actively and extensively studied in machine learning literature to reduce the high dimensionality of feature space, since high dimensional data sets are generally not efficiently and effectively handled by machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms. In this thesis, a novel approach to combining feature selection and feature extraction algorithms. We present an algorithm which incorporates both. The performance of the algorithm is established over real-life data sets of different sizes and dimensions.
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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Sreevani, "Simultaneous Feature Selection and Feature Extraction for Pattern Classification." (2010). Master’s Dissertations. 110.
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