Journal Articles | Scholarly Publications | Indian Statistical Institute

Scientific results reported by the researchers in reputed venues


Submissions from 2016


Correction of bifurcated river flow measurements from historical data: Paving the way for the Teesta water sharing treaty, Kaushik Jana, Debasis Sengupta, and Kalyan Rudra


Dynamics of generalized bidirectional synchronization, Manoranjan Jana, Mitul Islam, and Nurul Islam


Optimization through dense sets, C. R. Jayanarayanan and T. S.S.R.K. Rao


Revisiting structure graphs: Applications to CBC-MAC and EMAC, Ashwin Jha and Mridul Nandi


International trade and risk sharing in the global rice market: The impact of foreign and domestic supply shocks, Shikha Jha, Kensuke Kubo, and Bharat Ramaswami


Strategic outsourcing with technology transfer under price competition, Tarun Kabiraj and Uday Bhanu Sinha


On the mining of fuzzy association rule using multiobjective genetic algorithms, Harihar Kalia, Satchidananda Dehuri, Ashish Ghosh, and Sung Bae Cho


A new taxon of cistecephalid dicynodont from the upper Permian Kundaram Formation of India, Christian F. Kammerer, Saswati Bandyopadhyay, and Sanghamitra Ray


Relationships of the Indian phytosaur Parasuchus hislopi Lydekker, 1885, Christian F. Kammerer, Richard J. Butler, Saswati Bandyopadhyay, and Michelle R. Stocker


Several foundational and information theoretic implications of Bell's theorem, Guruprasad Kar and Manik Banik


Role of measurement incompatibility and uncertainty in determining nonlocality, Guruprasad Kar, Sibasish Ghosh, Sujit K. Choudhary, and Manik Banik

Maternal factors are important predictors of low birth weight: Evidence from Bangladesh demographic & health survey-2011, Md Reazul Karim, Md Nazrul Islam Mondal, Md Masud Rana, Himangshu Karmaker, Premananda Bharati, and Md Golam Hossain


An Investigative Study on Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using a New Approach of Mathematical Shape Theory and Neuro-Fuzzy Classification System, Subrata Kar and D. Dutta Majumder


Star chromatic bounds, T. Karthick


Structure of squares and efficient domination in graph classes, T. Karthick


Weighted independent sets in a subclass of P6-free graphs, T. Karthick


Vizing Bound for the Chromatic Number on Some Graph Classes, T. Karthick and Frédéric Maffray


Weighted independent sets in classes of P6-free graphs, T. Karthick and Frédéric Maffray


Classification of smooth structures on a homotopy complex projective space, Ramesh Kasilingam


Smooth structures on a fake real projective space, Ramesh Kasilingam


On generalized moment identity and its applications: a unified approach, Sudheesh K. Kattumannil and Isha Dewan


Patterson-wiedemann type functions on 21 variables with nonlinearity greater than bent concatenation bound, Selcuk Kavut and Subhamoy Maitra


RunFein: a rapid prototyping framework for Feistel and SPN-based block ciphers, Ayesha Khalid, Muhammad Hassan, Goutam Paul, and Anupam Chattopadhyay


RunStream: A high-level rapid prototyping framework for stream ciphers, Ayesha Khalid, Goutam Paul, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Faezeh Abediostad, Syed Imad Ud Din, Muhammad Hassan, Baishik Biswas, and Prasanna Ravi

Document recognition and retrieval (DRR) XXIII, Choon Woo Kim, Nitin Sampat, Majid Rabbani, Mohamed Chaker Larabi, Adnan Alattar, Joyce Farrell, Kevin Matherson, Sheila Hemami, Sameer Antani, Bart Lamiroy, Gady Agam, Elisa Barney Smith, William Barrett, Bertrand Coüasnon, Xiaoqing Ding, Ergina Kavallieratou, Xiaofan Lin, Daniel Lopresti, Umapada Pal, Eric Ringger, Sargur Srihari, Kazem Taghva, George Thoma, Christian Viard-Gaudin, Pingping Xiu, Richard Zanibbi, and Jie Zou