"Variations of bed elevations due to turbulence around submerged cylind" by K. Sarkar, C. Chakraborty et al.

Variations of bed elevations due to turbulence around submerged cylinder in sand beds

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Environmental Fluid Mechanics


This paper presents the spatio-temporal variations in bed elevations and the near-bed turbulence statistics over the deformed bed generated around the submerged cylindrical piers embedded vertically on loose sediment bed at a constant flow discharge. Experiments were carried out in a laboratory flume for three blockage ratios in the range of 0.04–0.06 using three different sizes of submerged cylinders individually placed vertically at the centerline of the flume. Clear-water experimental conditions were maintained over the smooth sediment bed surface with a constant flow discharge (Q=0.015m3/sec), thereby giving three different cylinder Reynolds numbers ReDc=UmDcν (=10200, 12750, 15300) away from the cylinder locations, where Um is the maximum mean velocity, Dc is the cylinder diameter and ν is the kinematic viscosity of fluid. Instantaneous sand bed elevations around the cylinders were recorded using a SeaTek 5MHz ultrasonic ranging system of net 24 transducers to estimate bed form migration, and the near-bed velocity data at transducer locations over the stable deformed bed around the pier-like structures were collected using down-looking three-dimensional (3D) Micro-acoustic Doppler velocimeter to estimate the bottom Reynolds shear stresses and the contributions of bursting events to the dominant shear stress component. The flow perturbation generated due to relatively lower flow blockage ratio favored to achieve the stable bed condition more rapidly than the others, and larger upstream scour-depth and deformed areas were noticed for greater flow blockage ratio due to larger cylinder diameter. For larger blockage ratio in the upstream of scour-hole near the bed, occurrences of probabilities of both boundary-ward interactions (Q1 and Q3) were the dominant; whereas in the downstream of the scoured region, occurrences of probabilities of second and third quadrant events (Q2 and Q4) were dominant. On the other hand, for the lower blockage ratio, quadrant (Q2) was dominant over Q4 in the downstream of scour-hole, and in the upstream of scour-hole, quadrant Q4 was the dominant.

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