Risk Diversifying Treaty Between Two Companies with Only One in Insurance Business

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Sankhya B


We consider an insurance company (Company 1) and another company (Company 2) operating under a risk diversification treaty; we assume that Company 2 does not have any insurance business of its own. Company 2 takes care of a pre-agreed fraction of any possible deficit that Company 1 may face; in return, Company 2 gets a retainer fee at a constant rate. (The situation can also be looked upon as Company 1 acting as a subsidiary of Company 2.) The joint dynamics is modelled in terms of appropriate Skorokhod problem in the quadrant. Corresponding ruin problem is studied, and advantages of the treaty are pointed out. It is shown that ruin probability decays at a faster rate under the treaty. Some numerical results are also presented to project advantages of our formal model.

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