"Regression analysis of biased case–control data" by Palash Ghosh and Anup Dewanji

Regression analysis of biased case–control data

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics


The data obtained from case–control sampling may suffer from selection or reporting bias, resulting in biased estimation of the parameter(s) of interest by standard analysis of case–control data. In this work, the problem of this bias is dealt with by introducing the concept of reporting probability. Then, considering a reference sample from the source population, we obtain asymptotically unbiased estimate of the population parameters by fitting a pseudo-likelihood, assuming the exposure distribution in the population to be unknown and arbitrary. The proposed estimates of the model parameters follow asymptotically a normal distribution and are semiparametrically fully efficient. We motivate the need for such methodology by considering the analysis of spontaneous adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports in presence of reporting bias.

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