"On the universality of the non-singularity of general Ginibre and Wign" by Paulo Manrique, Victor Pérez-Abreu et al.

On the universality of the non-singularity of general Ginibre and Wigner random matrices

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Random Matrices: Theory and Application


We prove the universal asymptotically almost sure non-singularity of general Ginibre and Wigner ensembles of random matrices when the distribution of the entries are independent but not necessarily identically distributed and may depend on the size of the matrix. These models include adjacency matrices of random graphs and also sparse, generalized, universal and banded random matrices. We find universal rates of convergence and precise estimates for the probability of singularity which depend only on the size of the biggest jump of the distribution functions governing the entries of the matrix and not on the range of values of the random entries. Moreover, no moment assumptions are made about the distributions governing the entries. Our proofs are based on a concentration function inequality due to Kolmogorov, Rogozin and Kesten, which allows us to improve universal rates of convergence for the Wigner case when the distribution of the entries do not depend on the size of the matrix.



Publication Date



Open Access; Green Open Access
