"Cash versus kind : Understanding the preferences of the bicycle progra" by Maitreesh Ghatak, Chinmaya Kumar et al.

Cash versus kind : Understanding the preferences of the bicycle programme beneficiaries in Bihar

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Economic and Political Weekly


This paper presents results from a survey on the Mukhyamantri Cycle Yojana in Bihar that provides money to purchase a bicycle to every student who is enrolled in Standard 9 of a government-run/aided school. The paper finds that the bicycle programme has performed well in terms of coverage rate and curtailing direct forms of corruption but a large majority of the beneficiaries stated their preference in favour of receiving the benefits in kind instead of cash. It analyses the determinants of beneficiaries' preference for cash versus kind and finds that the demand-side factors and village characteristics (accessibility of markets) play a dominant role in shaping beneficiaries' preferences.

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