"Baseline detection of multi-lingual unconstrained handwritten text lin" by Dibyayan Chakraborty and Umapada Pal

Baseline detection of multi-lingual unconstrained handwritten text lines

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Pattern Recognition Letters


Many handwritten text recognition systems use the baseline information for better recognition of text line characters. Improper baseline detection reduces the performance of the recognition. In this paper we propose a novel baseline detection scheme for unconstrained handwritten text lines of multilingual documents. For baseline detection of a text line, at first, we detect the set of significant contour points (S-points) of the text line. Every non-singleton subsets of S-points forms a curve. The orientation invariant features of the curve determine whether the curve can construct a probable baseline of the input text line or not. It is determined by an SVM, trained using the orientation invariant features of the curves. The curves classified as probable baselines, are sorted according to their relative positions in ascending order to get the optimal baseline. We tested our method on different handwritten text lines of Bangla(Bengali), English(Roman), Kannada, Oriya, Devnagari and Persian scripts and obtained encouraging results.

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