"Population Diversity, Affinities and Genetic Epidemiology: A Commentar" by Partha P. Majumder

Population Diversity, Affinities and Genetic Epidemiology: A Commentary

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Sankhya B


Representation of populations of diverse ancestral histories is essential in genetic epidemiological research, failing which our understanding of the architectures of diseases will remain incomplete. Wide applications of inferences from studies with limited representation of population diversity can exacerbate health disparities. In this commentary, we identify the key reasons why inferences from studies without adequate representation of diverse populations can result in restricted applicability of inferences and the statistical challenges that need to be overcome for drawing more robust inferences. We also note that C.R. Rao, and his early mentor P.C. Mahalanobis, were pioneers to quantify population diversity and study population affinities.



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