On the Span of Distance Coloring of Infinite Hexagonal Grid

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science


For a graph G(V;E) and 2 N, an distance coloring is a coloring f : V ! f1; 2; : : : ; tg of V with t colors such that 8u; v 2 V; u 6= v; f(u) 6= f(v) when d(u; v) Here d(u; v) is the distance between u and v and is equal to the minimum number of edges that connect u and v in G. The span of distance coloring of G, (G), is the minimum t among all distance coloring of G. A class of channel assignment problem in cellular network can be formulated as a distance graph coloring problem in regular grid graphs. The cellular network is often modelled as an infinite hexagonal grid H, and hence determining (H) has relevance from practical point of view. Jacko and Jendrol [Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 2005] determined the exact value of (H) for any odd and for even 8, it is conjectured that (H) = 3 8 (+ 4 3 )2 where [x] is an integer, x 2 R and x 1 2 [x] x+ 1 2 . For = 8, the conjecture has been proved by Ghosh and Koley [22nd Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 2021]. In this paper, we prove the conjecture for any even 10.



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