"Elemental content in under-utilized green leafy vegetables of urban wa" by Poulami Jha, Mathummal Sudarshan et al.

Elemental content in under-utilized green leafy vegetables of urban waterbodies in Kolkata, India and their associated health risk

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis


The study reports the micronutrient content of some underutilized and lesser-known aquatic plants from urban water bodies that have enormous potential for contributing to improving food security and diversifying diets. Naturally growing plants were sampled from 21 small waterbodies in Kolkata, India. Based on traditional knowledge about their use and their yield estimates from these water bodies Alternanthera philoxeroides, Ipomoea aquatica, Commelina benghalensis, Enhydra fluctuans & Ludwigia adscendens, were selected for elemental analysis. The two commonly occurring plants, A. philoxeroides and I. aquatica, were a good source of Mn, Fe and Se contributing > 25% of the recommended intake for Mn and > 10% for Fe and Se. The Target Hazard Quotient was <1 for all plants, indicating no health risk from consumption of these plants from urban sites. The ubiquitous and climate resilient A. philoxeroides had a higher mean content of Mn, Fe, Se, Cu, Ca and K than the more popular, I. aquatica. Promoting the consumption of A. philoxeroides, an invasive weed in many countries, would help to keep its rampant growth in check while ensuring better protection of the environment.



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