"Minimal leptogenesis in brane-inspired cosmology" by Alessandro Di Marco, Amit Dutta Banik et al.

Minimal leptogenesis in brane-inspired cosmology

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Physical Review D


We discuss how a post-inflationary reheating phase characterized by a nonstandard multiple scalar field cosmology can change the thermal history of the Universe, affecting minimal high-scale leptogenesis. In particular, we explore a class of models where a set of scalar fields in a brane-inspired dynamical scenario modifies the Boltzmann equations concerning standard leptogenesis. The produced lepton asymmetry YL, due to the decays of heavy Majorana right-handed neutrinos responsible for generating Standard Model neutrino masses via the type-I seesaw, is affected as well. In particular, both an enhancement and a reduction of YL can be obtained, depending on the values of the (new) involved parameters and on the number of additional scalar fields.



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Open Access, Hybrid Gold
