Revisiting and redefining return rate for determination of the precise growth status of a species

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Journal of Biological Physics


Growth curve models play an instrumental role in quantifying the growth of biological processes and have immense practical applications across all disciplines. The most popular growth metric to capture the species fitness is the “Relative Growth Rate” in this domain. The different growth laws, such as exponential, logistic, Gompertz, power, and generalized Gompertz or generalized logistic, can be characterized based on the monotonic behavior of the relative growth rate (RGR) to size or time. Thus, in this case, species fitness can be determined truly through RGR. However, in nature, RGR is often non-monotonic and specifically bell-shaped, especially in the situation when a species is adapting to a new environment [1]. In this case, species may experience with the same fitness (RGR) for two different time points. The species precise growth and maturity status cannot be determined from this RGR function. The instantaneous maturity rate (IMR), as proposed by [2], helps to determine the correct maturity status of the species. Nevertheless, the metric IMR suffers from severe drawbacks; (i) IMR is intractable for all non-integer values of a specific parameter. (ii) The measure depends on a model parameter. The mathematical expression of IMR possesses the term “carrying capacity” which is unknown to the experimenter. (iii) Note that for identifying the precise growth status of a species, it is also necessary to understand its response when the populations are deflected from their equilibrium position at carrying capacity. This is an established concept in population biology, popularly known as the return rate. However, IMR does not provide information on the species deflection rate at the steady state. Hence, we propose a new growth measure connected with the species return rate, termed the “reverse of relative of relative growth rate” (henceforth, RRRGR), which is treated as a proxy for the IMR, having similar mathematical properties. Finally, we introduce a stochastic RRRGR model for specifying precise species growth and status of maturity. We illustrate the model through numerical simulations and real fish data. We believe that this study would be helpful for fishery biologists in regulating the favorable conditions of growth so that the species can reach a steady state with optimum effort.

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