"Advantage of Hardy's nonlocal correlation in reverse zero-error channe" by Mir Alimuddin, Ananya Chakraborty et al.

Advantage of Hardy's nonlocal correlation in reverse zero-error channel coding

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Physical Review A


Hardy's argument constitutes an elegant proof of quantum nonlocality. In this work, we report an exotic application of Hardy's nonlocal correlations in two-party communication setup. We come up with a task, wherein a positive payoff can be through 1 bit of communication from the sender to the receiver if and only if the communication channel is assisted with a no-signaling correlation exhibiting Hardy's nonlocality. This further prompts us to establish a counterintuitive result in a correlation-assisted reverse zero-error channel coding scenario, where the aim is to simulate a higher input-output noisy classical channel by a lower input-output noiseless one in assistance with preshared correlations. We show that there exist such reverse zero-error channel simulation tasks where nonmaximally entangled states are preferable over the assistance with a maximally entangled state, even when the former states carry an arbitrarily small amount of entanglement. Our work thus establishes that within the operational paradigm of local operations and limited classical communication the structure of entangled resources is even more complex to characterize.



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Open Access, Green
