"Learning Losses of Undergraduate Students in South Asia during COVID-1" by Farzin Mumtahena, Kaustav Sen et al.

Learning Losses of Undergraduate Students in South Asia during COVID-19 and its Determinants*

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Economic Papers


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes to the the learning process, prompted by the shift away from traditional physical classrooms to virtual ones. With unequal access to remote learning technologies, there are concerns regarding undergraduate students' academic progress. A primary survey was conducted to create a composite learning score to quantify learning losses. A significantly higher learning loss is visible among students belonging to families facing income losses during the pandemic, and public university students. We find that compared to India, students of Bangladesh and Pakistan are affected more severely in terms of learning losses. The article also measures the extent of psychological distress and academic demotivation related to online learning. We find that the same groups of students face higher psychological distress and academic demotivation.

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Open Access, Bronze
