"An alternative procedure for testing equality of treatment effects und" by Atanu Biswas, Rahul Bhattacharya et al.

An alternative procedure for testing equality of treatment effects under circular responses

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Chilean Journal of Statistics


In real life, we often observe circular data (for example, in the fields of geology, meteorology, oceanography and medicine, among others). However, the common practice is to ignore the periodic feature of such observations employing the usual available methods, which often ends in misleading results in terms of inferential measures. The loss of statistical power is a serious issue if the method is applied to clinical trials involving human subjects. In the present article, heuristic procedures for testing equality of treatment effects are developed in the context of clinical trials with the assumption that responses are circular in nature. The developed procedures are studied empirically in terms of statistical power and are compared to relevant existing competitors. The procedures are further applied to a real clinical trial on cataract surgery.

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