"On chirp and some related signals analysis: A brief review and some ne" by Debasis Kundu and Swagata Nandi

On chirp and some related signals analysis: A brief review and some new results

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics


Chirp signals have played an important role in the statistical signal processing literature. An extensive amount of work has been done in analyzing different one dimensional chirp, two dimensional chirp and some related signal processing models. The main aim of this article is to introduce the challenges associated with these problems to the statistical community with a hope that it will generate enough interests among the statisticians to contribute in this area of research. We provide a comprehensive review of different one dimensional, two dimensional, generalized chirp signals and some related models. We discuss some new chirp signal like models which can be used quite effectively for analyzing real life signals. Several open problems are discussed through out the paper for future research.

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