The Ising universality class of kinetic exchange models of opinion dynamics
Article Type
Research Article
Publication Title
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
We show using scaling arguments and Monte Carlo simulations that a class of binary interacting models of opinion evolution belong to the Ising universality class in presence of an annealed noise term of finite amplitude. While the zero noise limit is known to show an active-absorbing transition, addition of annealed noise induces a continuous order–disorder transition with Ising universality class in the infinite-range (mean field) limit of the models.
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Mukherjee, Sudip; Biswas, Soumyajyoti; Chatterjee, Arnab; and Chakrabarti, Bikas K., "The Ising universality class of kinetic exchange models of opinion dynamics" (2021). Journal Articles. 2021.
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