Characterization of LU-efficiency and saddle-point criteria for F-approximated multiobjective interval-valued variational problems
Article Type
Research Article
Publication Title
Results in Control and Optimization
This paper aims to find a solution of interval uncertainty to multiobjective variational problems. For this, we consider an interval-valued multiobjective variational problem. Then, by using the modified F-objective function method, we construct associated interval-valued multiobjective variational problem with the modified F-objective functions. We establish a relationship between LU-pareto optimal solution of original problem and its associated modified problem by using the concept of LU-F-convexity and LU-F-pseudoconvexity. Further, we define LU-Lagrange function and its saddle point to discuss the efficient solution of original problem through it. We provide an example to validate our results numerically.
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Recommended Citation
Jha, Shalini; Das, Prasun; and Bandhyopadhyay, Sanghamitra, "Characterization of LU-efficiency and saddle-point criteria for F-approximated multiobjective interval-valued variational problems" (2021). Journal Articles. 1807.
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