O -operators on hom-Lie algebras

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Journal of Mathematical Physics


O-operators (also known as relative Rota-Baxter operators) on Lie algebras have several applications in integrable systems and the classical Yang-Baxter equations. In this article, we study O-operators on hom-Lie algebras. We define a cochain complex for O-operators on hom-Lie algebras with respect to a representation. Any O-operator induces a hom-pre-Lie algebra structure. We express the cochain complex of an O-operator in terms of the specific hom-Lie algebra cochain complex. If the structure maps in a hom-Lie algebra and its representation are invertible, then we can extend the above cochain complex to a deformation complex for O-operators by adding the space of zero cochains. Subsequently, we study formal deformations of O-operators on regular hom-Lie algebras in terms of the deformation cohomology. In the end, we deduce deformations of s-Rota-Baxter operators (of weight 0) and skew-symmetric r-matrices on hom-Lie algebras as particular cases of O-operators on hom-Lie algebras.



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