A highly secured three-phase symmetric cipher technique

Article Type

Research Article

Publication Title

International Journal of Computers and their Applications


A novel three-phase symmetric cipher technique is presented in this paper. The main characteristic of the technique is that the length of cipher text can be made larger to any value of choice than that of plain text by adjusting the values of some key parameters. This difference in length complicates the statistical relationship between plain text and cipher text; thereby making the process of cryptanalysis extremely difficult. Effectively, it helps to fulfill the main design objective of enhancing to a good extent the degrees of confusion and diffusion, which are the main two properties of a secure cipher as identified by Claude Shannon. We have shown that complexity of the three-phase encryption algorithm from the viewpoint of cryptanalysis is very high. It can be made computationally infeasible by appropriate choice of the different values of the three-part key used in the design. Statistical testing using NIST also ensures the strength of the approach.

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