Date of Submission
Date of Award
Institute Name (Publisher)
Indian Statistical Institute
Document Type
Doctoral Thesis
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Subject Name
Quantitative Economics
Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit (TSMU-Kolkata)
Srinivasan, T. N.
Abstract (Summary of the Work)
The the sde is baadcally a methodological exploration of the field we have Celled the ti end d eted and price of foodgrains. The object ie basically to develop a framework of thought, developing alongaide the toola, concepte and methods necessary for the purpose. In doing this we keep entirely to the baaic structure of the field as ve see it, which is defined in reference to a few bare elenentary facts pertaining to our general context of reference the rest is simply abstracted from. Our whole approach 1a thus 8crictiy anRALA mothodology is oxplored within boundaries that we ourselves sot for the purpo se, not across all boundaries. Next we havo to state that cur nethodological exploration is in some sense an exploration of the glaasical methodology -- we view cur subject from an essentially elassical standpoint all through. Having said this, we muat point out that our fleld never cane within the substantive domain of cocern of the classical economists. Qur exploration of the classical methodology is therefore across their Own fleld and there has to be a great deal of adaptation about this. How this comes about has to be left to the the is itself. Let us now give a broad outline of how we proceed. Our starting point in the thesie is a completely fresh view of the formation of markated airmlur in the literatura that we coma acrosa in unpublished Ph. D. the sis recently aubadtted in our Institute o 1. the structure and inter-relatione of the land, labour, credit and protuct markets of South Kanara,2 We simply take this over and develop it into a general framework for the subject within which our whole analytical programme on the formation of marteted surplus gets. defined. The natter ie introdced in the Bection below, and then worked out in details in Chaptere 1 - 3 defining Part I of the the sis, on marketed surplus.3 This ie done entirely on our own without Aarther reference to the the sis mentioned, This is because we felt it neceasury as part of the the eis to give a more or less comprehensive review of ideas on the formation of marketed surplus in the literature, and the relevant parte of the thesis then automtioally come as the end point of this review (Appendix 2). 8o, our whole Itakdng' from it is also clearly set out there, making earlier reforences unnecesary.Our work in Part II, on price, resta on a different footing. Ins starting point for it ie simply the implications of the mode of formation of narketed surplus atarted out with for that of the price of foodgrains. This comoa in as a completely fresh point in the literature and serves to Bet apart our approach to the problem from 1l the rest. There are, however, also other starting points for the subject (price-formation) where we are closer to the literature. However, the difference in approach remains, and the pointa, or ideas, are in the end only similar, and not the same.
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Recommended Citation
Narasimhan, Vathsala Dr., "An Essay on the Formation and Dynamics of the Marketed Surplus and Price of Foodgrains." (1987). Doctoral Theses. 88.
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