"Biometrical Genetics of Insecticide Resistance:A Quantal Response Char" by N Singh Dr.

Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Computer Science


Research and Training School (RTS)


Mitra, Sujit Kumar (RTS-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

Geneses of the Froblems1.1.1 Resistence -A poblem in the fields of publio hosl th, agriculture, and endmel husbandry Discovery of the synthetic insecticides of residual toxcicity and their availability for civilian use after the World Mar I had presented a bright proapeot of freedom from insect bome diseases, Lindted fleld trials of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in the sphere of ublic heal th had resulted in decline of the veotor/post pepulations by 'erdsia! and oonsaquentay the incidonce of vector borne diseases recorded drameatic falls. Inspired by such good results different combries and World Heoalth Organi zntion (WED) embarked upon the adventuro of nationl/gobel voctor and disoase contral/eradication pogrames. The malaria oontrol/eradication filariasis control end mosquito abatement programmes are the exmmples of suc adventures. In the indtial periods of thedr exe cutions, the programmes gave impressive results, but sooner than expected they ran into trouhles. All hopes tuned into despair becauso of reversal of the downarnd trends of insect popu- lation and of the incidencos of vector bome diseases due to developmant of insecticide resistance in the vootor species. In India application of insecti- oddes like DDT and BHC had to bo given p for the filariasis oontrol as tho filarla veotor Culex pipiong fatigang becano resistant to the hydrocarbon insecticides. These insecticides also bacamo in-offective, in some areas, against the resistant stredn of important malaria vectors Ponhales culicifacte and Aptephengi, Dovelopment of rosistance in these species bed resulted in rocrudescence of malaria in many parte of India, which is now of great concem. Resistance in insects to insecticides is thus a challenging probl.om in the field of public health. It could also be e. problem in the fields of animal husbandry, agriculture and food storage where insecti- cides were also used to control. the insects. In fact resistance was ffrst reported in insects of agricultural importance in 1908. By 1958 at least 30 species of insecta were reported resistant, The reviev by Brown (1971) showed that 130 species of agricultural importance wore resistant to insecticides. Farly solution of the problem of resistance, therefore, is of great importance for prevention of diseasos in man and domestio animals, for maintaining the achievements in health standards, and agroiltural productions. Attomp ta were made to solve the probil em of resistar by altemate apglicationa of different groups of inseoticides or by substi tution of tha obsclete insceticide by a potant onet thia Ä‘id not offer pera- nent solution since the target population of a species developed resistance el so to newer insecticida(s). Resistance thus is rathor a rule than exception, It is falt that successful solution of this problem, if it exiet, could be found only throuch comprehension of the phenomenon by basic studies involving several discipl hce at the same time.1.1.2 Problem of Methodology for Genetical Stulies of Resiatance In the mlti-Ä‘isciplinary approach genetics had a pivotal role because resistance is a horitable charaoter.


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