"Biometrics of Bilateral Symmetry in Plants." by T. Davis Dr.

Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Quantitative Economics


Research and Training School (RTS)


Rao, C. Radhakrishna (RTS-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

During the past ten deendes, observation rolating to ayune try, asymmatry, dis-oyame try, radlal symmetry, rotatiɔnal Bymne try, bilateral aymme try and ambidextry in the fields of bo tany, Boology, geology, chemiatry, eryatellography, physics, astronomy, engineering, mathematics, sunio, poetry and art vere recorded by various scientists. The prevent treatise is a sua- mary of an elaborato study on bilaterai syame try or microrinage symse try occurring in vari us plant organs. Unlike moet of the earlior reports, the problem here has been takled unified on a quantitative basis, thereby ereating situations where sophisti-cated techniques of statietios could be effectively employed. As a result, many unexpected faata eame to light. The facilities and freedom available at the Indian Statistical Institute for the collection and analysis of data on varied subjects bave to a great extent enabled the emergence of a now branch of biology, nemels, mmerienl plant morphology, which hae brought forth the following resulte.1. It has been nede poseitle to reconetruct sucoesatully the sunflower heat (espitulum). mis problen intrigued several e thenatioinne nnd diologists aiike during the lest over one hundrel yoare;2. A strong evidenoe has ben adduced for a possible existenoe of ceo-physical influence on the growth of plante (cnd animola);3. Bilateral symnetry in many plante has been found to be non-genetieal. But the discovery of ita saaeiation with an important character like fruit-yield is biologieally an intriguing situation. Evidenoe for this has been reported from the oooomut and other a rop plantas4. The expression of asymmetry of leaves and stem as a morphologioal charsoter can help to asoign Bome doubtful species of planta to their proper positions in phylogeny;5. The leaves of most speoies of palma are arranged in the crown in aocordance with the Pibonaeei angle which accounts for different arowne showing different numbers of spiralo that always aynohroniee the terne in the Pibonacei Sequence, An Betry of pala leares ban been found to help the distribution s of leaves on the eten more efficients6. me discovery of me dependence os truit yield on leaf asymnetry has enabled a better etatistionl estimation of the effect of manual treatment on the coconts7. A significant change in the fruit/tuber yield has been brought about by obanging the direction of growth of aten 2. ASYETRY IN PLANTS Life on earth atarted with sperical symmetry when primitive single-celled plante and aim ls floated and tunbled about in the water. When living formated to the bottom of the sea or elung to the abores, a permanent up-down axis was created eiving riee to readial aywnetry. The carly animale that evolved from primitive life had their axis ohifted from the vertical to the horisontal. So a single plane symmetry resained dividing the animal into right and left, niden. Locono- tion created & fundamental difference between front and beck.


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