Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Quantitative Economics


Research and Training School (RTS)


Haldane, J. B. S. (RTS-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

An understanding of the social structure and nating systene of a population 1s essential for genetie investigat lons. The inhabitanta of the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh are of special intereat to a population genetieist because of the high rate of inbreeding that is practiced there. This population 1s specially suited for evaluating the genetic effects of inbreeding on the progeny of consanguineous parents. In most populations of the world the Inbreeding levels are much lover than in Andhra Pradesh and vhere they are slightly higher, as in some Japanese islande, the populat iona are cmprised of only a fev hundred people and hence are unsultable for large acnle 1nvest iga- tions. The population of conatal Andhre Pradesh is thun best suited to resolve the classic controversy in population genetics regarding the components of genetie variability, 1.e. the relative importance of ;mutation load versus segregation load.As a by-product of the consanguinity studies information is alao obtained on the age of bride at narriage, the age difference betveen bride and bride- groom, the yenr of narriage and the rates of consangutnity in different caste groupe.In addition to the study of the mating structure and inbreeding effects, One genetie markers such as colour vision defects, hairy eare and AB0 blood roups are also investigated. The frequencies of colour vision defects in the orld are revieved and a nev anomaly 1s reported.The inheritance of kypertriehosis pinnae auris is investigated in three andlies and gene frequencies are compared in vest Bengal, Orisss, Andhra Pradesh nd Ceylon. The age of onset of this trait ie also studied.


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