Date of Submission
Date of Award
Institute Name (Publisher)
Indian Statistical Institute
Document Type
Doctoral Thesis
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Subject Name
Research and Training School (RTS)
Roy, Jogabrata (RTS-Kolkata; ISI)
Abstract (Summary of the Work)
This thesis is being submitted to the Indian Statistical Insti tute in support of the authors application for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The thesis embodies research oarried out by the author during the period 1960-1963 under the supervision of Dr. J. Roy, Professor of Statistics at the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.Some aspects of recovery of inter-group information are exmined in this thesis, The main results are concermed with the variance of the combined inter and int r-block estimntors in incomplete block designs , recovery of inter-row and inter-column information in two-wy designs laid out in row9 and columns, and recove ry of inter-block information in a second experiment when residunl effects from the first are present. A short description of the major findings will be 1 in the Introduction.The thesis consists of seven chnpters and a list of references. The detailed plan of each chapter is given in the table of contents.A few of the results in this thesis haye already been published in Sankhya, the Indian Jourinl of Statistics and in the Anna ls of nthematica1 Statistics. A list of these publications of the author and some other papers awaiting publication is givem at the end of the thesis..Foremost thanks are due to Dr. J. Roy for his guidance and advice on the method of pres entation of the material in this thesis, and to Dr. C. Radhokrishna Rao for his constant encouragenent. The author wishes to express his grmtitude to his collengues Dr. S. K. Mitra and Dr. S. John, for several helpful discussions. The author a lso records his gratefulness to the Resenrch and Tmining School of the Indinn Statistical Institute for providing facilities for reach. Thanks are due to Sri G. M. Das for his efficient typing of thetis.
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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Shah, K. R. Dr., "On the Recovery of Linear Group Information in One and Two Way Designs." (1965). Doctoral Theses. 322.
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