Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name



Economic Research Unit (ERU-Kolkata)


Coondoo, Dipankar (ERU-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

The present dissertation is about analysis of consumer behaviour ba sed on time-serios consumption data in the framework of a static complete demand system with special reference to India.On the methodological side, the the proposes two station demand systems. One of them is based on a modification of the Simple Non-additivo Model (SNAM) of Deaton (1976) - a generalisation of Stone's Linear Expenditure System (LES) - that overcomes the limitations of the LES ariaing from the additivity of its underfying direct preference structure. The other system is based on the Frice Independent Generalized Linearity (FIGL) of Maellbaucr (1975). Both the systems contain far smaller number of parametera compared to those in flexible demand systeme, e.g., the Almost Idoal Demand System. (AIDS) of Deaton and Muellbauer (1980a) or the Translog Systems of Christensen, orgonson and Lau (1975). However, unlike the are flaxible systems, the theoretical restrictions auch as the adding-up, symmetry and homogenetly properties of the demand functions are built into the proposed systems.The empirical part of the thesis is concerned with comparisons of the performances of the different variants of the proposed systems and the AIDS on the bals of Indian consumer expenditure data.The Ä‘issertation is organi sed in six Chapters and five Appendices. In what follows, summary of the individual chapters and Appendices are presented.Chapter I presents a aurvey of Literature on the theory and methodology of demand analys based mainly on time-series consumption data. This Chapter hae edght sections. Section 1.1 is introductory. Section 1.2 summariscs the statio theory of consumer behaviour and the implications of this theory for emprical demand analysis. Section 1.3 briefly presents the different remits on separable preferences. Section 1.4 contains a brief description of the well-known static demand systems. Section 1.5 deala with the aggregation of demand equations across consumers. Section 1.6 presents a summary view of the different generalisations of the Linear Expenditure System. Section 1.7 aurvys the investigations relating to the inclusion of demographic characteristics in complete demand systems. Finally, Section 1.8 presents a very brief account of the researches on dynamic demand analysis.Chapter II constitutes the methodological contribution of the present dissertation. Two specifications of empirical demand yaos have been presented here that provide the theoreticalniation of a major part of the empirical exercises reported in later chapters.


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