"Some Statistical Considerations on Population Structure, Genetic Corre" by Ranajit Chakraborty Dr.

Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Quantitative Economics


Research and Training School (RTS)


Rao, C. Radhakrishna (RTS-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

Siree the reiiecovery of Mentel'a works tamsrds tha beglaning of this contury the mnetiolete did not confine their atudies only at fanilial level. The atudy of penetie entities at poyulation level also bocune equally important for understending the mol.ani an of inharitanec. Thda branch of urderotanding the neoahantes of herodity, knowa sa Population Geneties, has by noe bacane no eli incm that a discunoion of say part of it drea not nead ny geneeal introtuetion. In view of shia faot, we irstead speni sone time to get into the problans diseussus in this thesia.Bastcally wa atudy theeo problene in this theie. The first problen is that about pepuletion etrueture. Though pogalation as a whale ie of intezeot to the population genetieiata, hia knorledge is incomplete vithout an idea about the constitaente of the population. We, in fact, stuiy the stracture of popalstions wnien are under genetie equi1ibriun, the nating nudele shdah are 11rely to be in operation in mueh an oqullftrlun pipulstion an rurther acae atattatioal anpeots of estiaation of güne frequenoien in two aomman polynerphia aystens, ranoly ABO and MNSa blont group ayatena. Tith apucial referance to ABO blood group aysten it is ahown taat acme population struotures are notThe seoond problem is the study of gone tie correlations. The importance of the role of genetio correlations in anderstanding the inheritanoe of genetio charaoters, espeoially the quantitative ones, is by now beyond doubt. Though mach haa been done in this field of population genotios moet of the remults were applioable to random mating population only. The population structure pronoribed by Wright (1921), widely knoyn na Model II population structure, rooeived relatively less attention although Li (1955) end Keupthorne (1957) have oonsidered them in some details.Although the first two problene have a comon base , in the senae that both stem out from the basio problem of understanding the population conatituents and their interrelatione, the third problem atands out to be a diacrete one in thie respect. Thie is about the oonstraction of SCne mathematical modele for munan maltiple birtha. In this field also there had been mary oontributions to know the exset factors influenoing the hunan maltiple birtha but it ie felt that theso biologioal findings were not properly injeoted in the oonstruction of the modele pro sent in the 1iterature (Das, 1953-56; Bulner, 1958; Allen, 1960).


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