Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Quantitative Economics


Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit (TSMU-Kolkata)


Not, Available

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

The present thesis is the study of a specifio indigenoous irrigation eystem following the general method of politioal coonomy. A couple of yeara baok when I had written for the firet time ubout this little-known but widespread irr igation aystem the artiole had driwn ocnaiderublo attention. The prosent study is a much detailed expooition of the sama syetem. The age old eystem of irrigaticn howover, 1e not mere ly a matter of historionl interest. It alao raisos many different quastione regarding developmant strategy and planning. I have devolop. the study so aia to be able finally, to deal with suoh questions of pr:aotionl interest.The framework of inalysie ia thit of Murxiat politic1 eoonomy. Thie raiacs u problem einoe there ure many explniit ione und many viowe horo. Tho 1ivoly though inoanolusivo dobate an 'moda of produotion' ie now u woll-kmown agadendo topio, Although I have mide Bome contribution to the dobito clecwhoro, in thie atudy I have deliberately refruined from ontaring into a discuseion of tho merite and demerite of the differont pointa of view. The preaent atudy ia an applioation of the pooition that I oonoidcr correct. The tast of a pulding ie in the out sng, Noodlese to say that tho purticul viow of politioul economy underlying this atudy 1a not my original auntributicn, In the toxt and glosary I have indioated its Bouroes, mostly in the form of extruots from the reoognie od authority in the field, Not that these axtraote Ere the finul word in the related oantroveraies. But the resulte that we obtadn by pursuing the frumework aupported by auch extraota will certainly help in Judg ing their morits, The framework of inalysie ia thit of Murxiat politic1 eoonomy. Thie raiacs u problem einoe there ure many explniit ione und many viowe horo. Tho 1ivoly though inoanolusivo dobate an 'moda of produotion now woll-kmown agadendo topio, Although I have mide Bome contribution to the dobito clecwhoro, in thie atudy I have deliberately refruined from ontaring into a discuseion of tho merite and demerite of the differont pointa of view. The preaent atudy ia an applioation of the pooition that I oonoidcr correct. The tast of a pulding ie in the out sng, Noodlese to say that tho purticul viow of politioul economy underlying this atudy 1a not my original auntributicn, In the toxt and glosary I have indioated its Bouroes, mostly in the form of extruots from the reoognie od authority in the field, Not that these axtraote Ere the finul word in the related oantroveraies. But the resulte that we obtadn by pursuing the frumework aupported by auch extraota will certainly help in Judging their morits.It 1s in the very nature of the method of politioul eocnony thut it doge not admit truditionully nooopted disoiplinury bound:uioe in deuling with oonorete sooi41 aiturtione, Consaquently tho trout mant in thie theeio trvele oroes many different aooil Boiencu eubjoota. To apaoialiets in particular disciplinee the treatment may appur at timos, incomplete and auperfioial. For the purpoBo of our atudy the question ie not whother the treatment mouaures up to the expootutiona of individual but whether it ie ablo to undoratrad the working of the indigenoous irrigution ayetom and provido anawcre to Bome prnotioal problema.


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