Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Quantitative Economics


Applied Statistics Unit (ASU-Kolkata)


Chaudhuri, Arijit (ASU-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

This thesis is being submitted to the Indi an Statibtical Institute (ISI) in fulfilment of the primary requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics.No part of this theais was submitted to any other Inatitute for any degree, diploma, certifioate etc.In this thesis we have mainly presented results of our investigation on optimal strategles for surveying finite populations in two phanes using selection procedures with varying probabilities. Incidentally we have added a few more resulta to the available literature on uni-phase sampling as are conaidered important in formulating appropriate doutbe sampling plans. Optimal and pragnatically useful single phase sampling strategies employing ;randomizedrather than ;directsocial enquiries to take accoant of stignatizing quantitative characters are also derived and discussed. A case atudy based on an enquiry among a sample of workera of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calautta, illustrating an application of our proposed procedure for randomized trial ia reported in Appendix 4. This theaia includes materials which in sone form constitute contents of (1) a paper by me jodntly with Arijat Chaudhurt being publiahed in Journal of Indian Soeiety of Agrioultural Statistics, 1982 under the titleOn the relative efficiencies of saveral strategies for estinating a finite population nean;and of (2) the under-noted technical reports(i); A study of the efficieney of Midauno -Sen strategy relative to ratio and ratio- type estinators under a linear regreseion model. Technical Report No. ASC/01/1, Indian Statistioal Institute, Calcutta. (ii) On optinality of double sampling atrategies with varying probabilities. Technteal Report No.ASC/81/3, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.(iii) on sampling strategies with randoni zed responae trials and their properties and relative efficiencies Teahnioal Report No.ASC/81/5, Indian Statiatical Institute, Calcutta.(iv) On double sanpling strategies with unifom adaissi- bility and other optinality propertias. Technical Report No.ABc/81/10, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.


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