Exploiting Multi-scale Fusion, Spatial Attention and Patch Interaction Techniques for Text-Independent Writer Identification

Document Type

Conference Article

Publication Title

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)


Text independent writer identification is a challenging problem that differentiates between different handwriting styles to decide the author of the handwritten text. Earlier writer identification relied on handcrafted features to reveal pieces of differences between writers. Recent work with the advent of convolutional neural network, deep learning-based methods have evolved. In this paper, three different deep learning techniques - spatial attention mechanism, multi-scale feature fusion and patch-based CNN were proposed to effectively capture the difference between each writer’s handwriting. Our methods are based on the hypothesis that handwritten text images have specific spatial regions which are more unique to a writer’s style, multi-scale features propagate characteristic features with respect to individual writers and patch-based features give more general and robust representations that helps to discriminate handwriting from different writers. The proposed methods outperforms various state-of-the-art methodologies on word-level and page-level writer identification methods on three publicly available datasets - CVL, Firemaker, CERUG-EN datasets and give comparable performance on the IAM dataset.

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