Message Complexity of Multi-Valued Implicit Agreement with Shared Random Bits

Document Type

Conference Article

Publication Title

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series


An agreement protocol enables a system of n nodes in a distributed network to agree on a common input value. In the implicit version of the problem, only a subset of the nodes are required to decide the common value. This paper focuses on the message complexity of randomized implicit agreement in synchronous distributed networks. It has been shown by Augustine et al. [PODC 2018] that if the nodes have access to a shared coin, then implicit agreement can be solved with high probability1 using messages2 in expectation. However, their algorithm works only for binary input values, i.e, the input values given to the nodes are from the set {0, 1}. In this paper, we extended the result to the multi-valued setting where the input values may come from a larger but constant sized domain. We present an algorithm that solves the multi-valued implicit agreement problem with matching performance guarantees as in binary agreement.

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