Study of Analytical Surveys

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Indian Statistical Institute Series


Descriptive study of sample survey data essentially means the following: (1) A finite population U= (1, …, i, …, N) on which (2) variables y, x, z, w etc. are defined taking values yi, xi, zi, wi, i∈ U etc. with (3) parameters related to them involving them for the entire population and on (4) drawing sample s with a probability p(s) with some, say, n(2 < n< N) of the N units of U; then (5) surveying the sample units for their values of y, x, z, w whenever the unsampled and unsurveyed values are unknown and (6) statistics as functions of sampled values are constructed together with known values if available; then (7) Performance characteristics involving p(s) and the statistics are defined. Next they are estimated and studied along with their estimated Measures of error suitably defined. Contrasted with such a descriptive study what is an Analytical study of sample survey data connotes the following. A super-population model is supposed to underlie the situation so that observations are generated conceptually from a model characterising the probability distribution specifying a super-population of which a finite population is a constituent entity. Then parameters in respect of the models are studied as Analytical studies.

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