Women's Participation in Livestock Raising—Evidence from NSSO Employment and Unemployment Surveys 1993–94 to 2011–12

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Title

Gendered Inequalities in Paid and Unpaid Work of Women in India


Given the background of insufficient literature on women's participation in livestock raising since the 1990s, this chapter analyses rural women's participation in livestock raising from 1993–94 to 2011–12 usingEmployment and Unemployment Surveys (EUS) of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). It finds that livestock raising is a crucial source of employment for rural women and employs 11% of the rural female agricultural workforce. Higher participation of the women in the Northern States and older women with no formal education brings out the regional and socio-economic variations. There is a declining trend in their participation after 2004–05. A decline in the number of bovines owned by rural households, a fall in the preference of the rural women to take up dairying and an increasing preference for income-generating activities such as tailoring emerge as few factors associated with the decline in women's participation in livestock raising.

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