Date of Submission


Date of Award


Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Doctoral Thesis

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Name

Computer Science


Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit (TSMU-Kolkata)


Adhikari, B. P.

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

The use of inspection gained importance when people started getting conscious of maintaining the quality of manufactured product. According to Anscombe (1958) inspection for quality in the form of acceptance sampling plans originated around 1920. The classical work of Dodge and Romig (1929) put acceptance sampling on a firm footing. In general, sampling inspection can be broadly classified into (i) lot- by-lot inspection (11) bulk sampling inspection and (iii) "continuous; sampling inspection.The lot-by-lot sampling inspection is applied where a series of lots or batches of discrete items are available for inspection. On the other hand, a batch of cotton, a vagon of coal or a ladle of molten metal are some examples here a lot or batch is comprised of a bulk or continuous product.When the batches or lots consist of continuous non-discrete material, method of bulk sampling inspection is used.There are situations where, though the production is in terms of discrete items, continuous flow of products is available for inspection. A continuous flow of potteries on a conveyor belt in a ceramic industry is an example. Formation of lots for the purpose of lot-by-lot inspection is not possible here. Dodge (1943) designed a special type of sampling plan, called ;continuous; sampling plan, consisting of alternating hundred percent inspection and sampling inspection, in case inspection is not destructive of the item.The present work is related to only lot-by-lot sampling inspection.Further, a lot-by-lot sampling inspection may involve inspection either by attributes or by variables. In attribute inspection each unit in a sample is inspected visually on a go-no-go gauge basis for one or more characteristics, and classified as defective or non-defective. In variable inspection, each unit in the sample is measured for a single characteristic, such as weight or strength. The published plans by Dodge and Romig (1959), Mil-Std. 105D (1963) and IS-2500 ( 1973) are examples of sampling inspection plans by attributes. Examples of sampling inspection plans by variables are the plans by Bowker and Goods (1952), Mil-Std. 414 (1957) and IS-2500 (1965).In this work we consider only sampling inspection by tributes.


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