Some Studies on Non Recursive Evaluation of Network Reliability.

Date of Submission

December 1992

Date of Award

Winter 12-12-1993

Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Master's Dissertation

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Subject Name

Computer Science


Advance Computing and Microelectronics Unit (ACMU-Kolkata)


Sinha, Bhabani Prasad (ACMU-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

During recent years, design of suitable topologies for computer communication networks has become an important area of research A network is mode led by a graph , where the edges of the graph represent the communication 1inks and the nodes stand for the processing elements. It is very important to compare the performance of a newly designed network with the existing networks. A good network structure should have a number of desirable properties, e.g. (1) low degree of vertices, (2) small number of edges, (3) low diameter (4) high degree fault tolerance i.e., high connectivity of the network graph (5) regular structure, (6) simple routing algorithms in both faulty fault-free conditions.An integrated design approach, simultaneously optimizing all of these aspects is very difficult to achieve. The usual practice is to consider one or some of them, but not all at a time , to obtain an optimal or near-optimal design.Fault-tolerance of a computer network topology is a fundamental consideration, The faults to be considered may be processor failure or link failures. A network topology is said to be fault-tolerant if it remains operational, in the presence of faults. It is, however the topological requirements set by the application environment essentially determine when a network is considered operational. For special purpose networks , the requirement may be that the Induced subgraph on the live or non-faulty nodes satisfies some particular property. This property may be the presence of some particular structure or may be anything else. For general purpose networks, usually it is considered operational as long as the induced subgraph on the 1ive nodes 1s connected.Though there is no universally accepted measure of reliability, a simple measure for general topology may be connectivity (i.e. the minimum number of nodes that has to be removed to make the graph disconnected [3]) of the network-graph. A more intricate approach may be to use a stochastic model (5). Here, with each node link wr + and each assign a probabllity of failure. The failures are assumed to occur independently. Under this model our aim is to find the probability that the network is connected. Some work [1,2) has been done on finding the raliahilitv when the links have positive failure probability only.


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