Grid-Based Key Agreement Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network.

Date of Submission

December 2009

Date of Award

Winter 12-12-2010

Institute Name (Publisher)

Indian Statistical Institute

Document Type

Master's Dissertation

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Subject Name

Computer Science


Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit (TSMU-Kolkata)


Barua, Rana (TSMU-Kolkata; ISI)

Abstract (Summary of the Work)

In sensor network security, an important challenge is to design the protocols for secure communications of sensor key from a collection of sensor nodes, which may have been pre-loaded with some secret information data but have no prior direct communication with each other. Also protocol should allow nodes deployed at a later time to join the network securely. The difficulty of designing such protocols increases due to numerous limitations of sensor networks. We discuss these limitations in detail in section 1.2. some of them are due to inability to utilize existing public key cryptosystems (since the expensive computations involved could expose the power-constrained nodes to a denial-of-service attack), the inability to pre-determine which nodes will be neighbours after node deployment in sensor network, and the inability of any node to put absolute trust in its neighbour (as nodes are not tamper resistant and are vulnerable to physical capture).Wireless sensor networks and key distribution protocols have few requirement to fulfil due to constrained on sensor nodes such as,1. Scalability - WSNs and key distribution protocols must be able to support a larger network and must be flexible against substantial increase in the size of the network even after node deployment in sensor network.2. Efficiency - Key distribution protocols must be able to fulfil storage, processing and communication limitations of sensor nodes.3. Key connectivity - Probability that two (or more) sensor nodes are able to compute direct communication key, gives connectivity in the network. Enough key connectivity must be provided for a WSN to perform its intended functionality.4. Resilience - key distribution protocols should be highly resistive against node capture. Usually higher resilience means lower number of compromised links.1.1 Sensor network architectureA typical sensor network has hundreds to several thousand sensor nodes. Each sensor node is typically low-cost, limited in computation and information storage capacity, highly power constrained, and communicates over a short-range wireless network interface. Most sensor networks have a base station that acts as a gateway to associated infrastructure such as data processing computers. Individual sensor nodes communicate locally with neighbouring sensors, and send their sensor readings over the peer-to-peer sensor network to the base station. Sensors can be deployed in various ways, such as physical installation of each sensor node, or random aerial scattering from an air-plane.In general, sensor nodes communicate over a wireless network. A typical sensor network forms around one or more base stations, which connect the sensor network to the outside network. The communication patterns within a sensor network fall into four categories:1. Node to node communication,2. Node to base station communication,3. Base station to node communication and4. Base station to base station communication.Size of sensor network and deployment density of sensor nodes in the network depends on application. In this report, sensor network under consideration is very large and nodes have high connectivity in the network.1.2 Limitations of WSNsIn the following paragraph, we will discuss the limitation of wireless sensor network in detail.


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